
To provide the most useful and comprehensive assistance to members, a Women's Center collaborates with a variety of service providers and specialists. The Centers has been honored to work with community leaders, government agencies, non-profit organizations, and individuals who enrich our problem-solving tool kit as well as help us reach more women in need of the Center's services.


 Baraka Women's Center Partners  


American Friends of Kenya – Supported the development of Baraka Center's library.  


Equity Bank Kenya – Providing financial literacy workshops for Baraka Center, funded by the Equity Group Foundation, a member of Equity Bank Ltd. Kenya     


Life Bloom Services International – LBSI provided Entrepreneur and Leadership Training led by founder Catherine Wanjohi and Wanjiru Ngigi. LBSI's mission is to intervene on behalf of vulnerable women and children including commercial sex workers, abused girls and women and poor, single-mothers. 


Nairobi County Department of Adult Education –donated 20 textbooks for Baraka Center's Adult Education Program and continuing educatton workshops for teachers.


Lulea – provided leatherwork training for Baraka Center members at the company's Center of Excellence in Karen, Kenya.


MSF  – Support for the Center's AIDS and TB  Awareness and Screening Program; MSF Kenya - Mathare Clinic 


Marie Stopes Clinic, Pangani, Nairobi


Men for Gender Equality Now (MEGEN),  a Nairobi-based NGO established to engage men in combatting gender-based violence. Executive Director Philip Otieno and trainer Alfred Makabira conduct workshops for the women and men of the Baraka Center community. 

Oakland Women's Center Partners

  • Alameda County Social Services Agency
  • City Slicker Farmenabling community members to meet their basic need for healthy fresh food by creating high-yield urban farm and backyard gardens.
  • 18 Reasons  improving the health of the community through nutrition education
  • 211 –  a free non-emergency confidential services that provides easy access to housing information and critical health and human services
  • Progressive Transitions – an Oakland-based non-profit working with women and men 18 and over who are victims and survivors of Domestic Violence, Human Trafficking and Sexual Exploitation, and members of the LGBTQ community.
  • Serenity House - providing services to women who have been raped, molested, suffer from addiction, homelessness, mental health and. emotional issues caused by traumas
  • Season of Sharing a private fund providing one-time crisis-based assistance for housing and critical family needs to Alameda County residents
OWC Members Fatima Almaweri (left) and Iris Corina (right)  with workshop leader
OWC Members Fatima Almaweri (left) and Iris Corina (right) with workshop leader