Baraka Women's Center

Nairobi, Kenya

Baraka Women's Center (BWC) opened in October 2012 and was named by the members.  "Baraka" means blessings in Kiswahili.


3,275 women, ages 17-65, have registered as members since 2012. A majority of them live in slums throughout Nairobi including: Mathare, Kariua, Kibera, Korogocho, and Kangemi. Many are single mothers, and most are under-educated, underemployed, survivors of sexual violence, and at risk of harmful practices like early marriage and Female Genital Cutting. Programs have enabled them to increase their skills, knowledge. and confidence in creating the futures they have imagined for themselves and their children.


BWC also hosts a growing business enterprise, Baraka Mtido Fashion Accessories (BMFA) supported by a jewelry and dressmaking training center in Thika.


In 2023, BWC opened a sister center in Rumuruti, Kenya to serve Maasai, Samburu, and Turkana rural women.  Their need for all kinds of education is deep and persistent. Transformations come quickly, such is their hunger for a way out of nearly debilitating cultural constraints.



  • Adult Education:  36 women graduated in basic reading and writing in November 2013; an additional 40 women attended classes in 2014-2015. This foundational program will grow with additional funding!
  • Entrepreneur and Leadership Training:  121 women graduated from two 16-week courses.  Of those groups, 61 women – and amazing 50% – established profitable businesses.
  • Computer Training: 35 women participating in hands-on sessions.
  • Table Banking:  28 registered self-help groups formed to support savings, members’ businesses and startups. Membership total:  850+
  • Gender-Based Violence Awareness and Counseling:  Three series of training and counseling for 200 women and 80 men, in partnership with MEGEN.
  • Vocational Training;  54 women graduated from the Hair and Beauty Therapy Skills Training.

Success Stories 



Thanks Baraka for rescuing me from the hate I had towards myself and giving me another life. My husband is now seeing a changed woman and comes to my house with shopping.  He now talks well of me and my children. I know in two months’ time I will have perfected in dress making and will start my own business. I am humbled, in high spirits, and a better mother to my children.    Read more

Mary Kavinya 


Life has improved and my self-esteem has been uplifted. I now love myself and am very passionate about life. Through mentorship I have started being in charge of myself and appreciating motherhood.  Read more...

Mary Paul 


"I am in tears of joy when I recall where Baraka Women’s Center removed me from and who I am today. I have two good businesses of my own and have opened a bank account where I do my savings. I have stopped taking drugs. If it were not for BWC, I would not be who I am today."    Read more


Ngara, Nairobi